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Jul 28, 2019

Weekly Notes

Welcome to this new edition of “Weekly Notes”, a weekly newsletter about Maps, Data Visualization, Civic Tech, and Open Data.

You can find previous issues here.

Geospatial Development

Building Footprint Comparison

Fascinating comparison of building footprints from Microsoft and OpenStreetMap.

I recently used the Microsoft building footprint for my Zoning analysis in San Diego. When I looked for building data I found that the Microsoft dataset was more complete than the Open Street Map data. And if you look at the map it confirms it and shows even more. Exciting, thanks for doing this.

Data Visualization

Second heatwave across europe

I love satellite data, and due to the current heatwave that we experience here in Europe, I thought I share this picture with you. We’re hitting up to 41°C (107°F) in Germany. Not in Berlin, but still crazy.


Another gorgeous visualization related to satellites and their data. You can see how the satellite images are being constructed; very nice.

Measuring Movement from the Ridgecrest Quake

The ground beneath Southern California moved furiously in early July 2019 due to two large earthquakes, one of which was the strongest in the region in at least two decades. Remote sensing scientists are getting better at measuring such events and showing how they disrupt and move the land surface.

And yet another sat images related story. Regarding the earthquake in CA. I am fascinated by these natural disasters. And I might do another visualization in that space soon. :)

Lion King no more

that lion numbers have dropped by half since The Lion King premiered in theaters in 1994.

Sad visualization about the decline in lion population. I hope someday I will still be able to see one of these magnificent creatures. (Not in a zoo of course :) )

Greenest cities in German state

Reusing data from an older visualization done by the Berliner Morgenpost a local newspaper showed the greenest cities in their state. (in german only :) )

Civic Tech

Welcome Eugene: Code for America adds new Brigade in Eugene, OR

A new Brigade is welcomed in the Code for America family! Looking forward to what you are producing :)

Hacking for Housing: How open data and civic hacking creates wins for housing advocates

Throughout this summer, I’m going to build a tool for civic hackers to create databases of housing data for their own cities. My goal is to build on the work that civic hackers have initiated in New York, DC, and elsewhere, thereby reducing the startup effort required to develop apps to support housing advocacy efforts.

Great initiative from the Sunlight Foundation. Will definitely be in touch with them.

Belgium: government source code is public information

The government of Belgium considers the source code of software solutions created for or by its public services to be public information that must be made available on request.

If this initiative succeeds it could be a model for other countries. We need to keep pushing that eventually, all government source code is Open Source! We already paid for it anyway!

Pittsburgh released parking transaction data

Developing a better understanding of how people park can help support efforts by the City and Authority to set rates based on demand. Having access to data can also help the Authority share information on revenue generation with City leadership, and develop a better understanding of mobility in Pittsburgh.

Open Environment Data collection for Germany

The Open Knowledge Foundation Germany is collecting environment and sustainability data for Germany and the world. Take a look, already some great datasets in there.

San Francisco Planning looks to hire data and analytics manager

As a housing crisis continues to affect major California cities, the San Francisco Planning Department is looking to hire a new data and analytics manager, noting on Twitter that the position is one well-suited for an individual who cares about data-driven housing policy.

Pennsylvania Looks to Add Chief Data Officer Position

New Accelerator, CivStart, to Focus on Gov Tech Partnerships

A new startup accelerator has chosen 10 companies for a two-year mentorship program to bring civic technology solutions to market, with a specific focus on enduring problems that face state and local government.

This is great news. CivicTech and GovTech need more of these accelerators!

Photo of the Week