This is a short list of projects that I worked on for clients and a small collection of data visualizations that I created.
Single Family Zoning
Private Project
Single Family Zoning
Inspired by an article from the New York Times I wanted to create the same map about Single Family zoning for San Diego.

Precision Farming
Precision Farming
For the agriculture giant Yara I helped develop an app for farmers. Creating an interactive map with the ability to create fields and application maps.
Open Data Harvester
Technologiestiftung Berlin
Open Data Harvester
To analyze the metadata of the different Open Data Portals of the city of Berlin the Technology Foundation hired me to aggregate and automate the metadata collection.
State Budget Visualization
Finance Ministery Rheinland-Pfalz
State Budget Visualization
The finance ministry of the state of Rheinland-Pfalz in Germany wanted to increase transparency and publish their budget in a visually appealing way.

Travel Safety Map
Travel Safety Map
The Travel Safety startup GeoSure wanted to find new revenue models for their travel data and reached out to me to help them. I build an interactive online map to showcase their collected data on Travel Safety around the globe.
Recovery Dashboard
Recovery Dashboard
Following the Mw 7.8 earthquake in Nepal, the World Bank Nepal response team has been collecting and curating spatial data useful for damage assessments . I worked for the GFDRR team to create a geospatial dashboard .

Armsexport Map
Armsexport Map
In cooperation with the OKF and BICC I updated the interactive map from BICC to improve the readability and interactivity.

Election Map
Private Project
Election Map
During the 2014 local election in the town I was living at the time I created an live-updating, interactive election map.

Infrastructure San Diego
Infrastructure commitee of the City Council, San Diego
Infrastructure San Diego
For the Community Planning Groups of San Diego, I developed a dashboard and supporting tools to increase transparency in the planning process.