Digital Gardening

Instead of creating a stream of blog posts, I will transform my personal site and the Mapping with d3 site to a garden that I take care of, maintain, and grow.

Recently I read a lot of articles on the topic of blogging and how the blogs killed the old internet of curating content. We went from curating our experience on the Web to just push out content. Without caring that much how they all fit together.

I am guilty myself I just published articles and although a few of them are very old, they still are essential and people might be interested in them.

What does a garden look like?

I will take the effort over the next couple of months to show you my most relevant content first and not my latest thoughts.

I will rearrange my „blog“ from a stream of content sorted by publish date to a curated list of content items that I want you to read. You will be still able to access my content as a stream, and if you subscribe to my email list you will get this stream as well 😀

I think this will benefit all of us. I’m not under pressure to produce the greatest and lengthy content all the time ,and you get the benefit of my important thoughts 😎