Five podcasts that changed how I run my business

I listen to podcasts for a while now. I started with technical podcasts like Giant Robots Smashing Into Other Giant Robots, Ruby Rogues, Core Intuition and more. I think I have an easier time listening to something than to read a blog post. I can listen to them while walking my dog, riding my bike to college back in the days or taking the train.

Since starting my own business in 2014, I listen to more and more business and freelance related podcasts. I want to tell you about five that changed how I ran my business. I ordered them in the order of magnitude they changed me.


I want to break down why I listen to them and how they changed me.

Bootstrapped Web is by Brian Casel and Jordan Gal. They talk about their business and their successes and failures. Their format changed over the last couple of months. And I like the new format. They have update episodes, and they have thematic episodes. In the update episode, they each share one thing that happened last week and then rotate. They start with personal updates and then move into business updates. Both of them are valuable, and I always get something out of it. Either a new tool to use or an idea how to run my business better. They both run product companies and are quite different from my service orientated business, but I get inspired listening to both of them. After listening, I always strive to get better at my business and reach the level they’re at. It helps me to focus on streamlining my business.

Make Money Online is a new podcast from Kai Davis and Nick Disabato. The way they talk genuine and be outspoken is refreshing, to say the least. They talk about their processes and what services they use. They also talk shit and are sarcastic, and it’s fun listening to them. They have thematic episodes and just random blast episodes. Well worth it. I get a good laugh out of it and get motivated to work harder and be more precise.

Brennan Dunn and his Double Your Freelancing land is awesome. You should check out everything he puts out. His email list is worth it, and he brings out content all the time. In his podcasts he interviews people, and most of them are a kind of case study. How they came as far as they are right now. What were the key factors and such. The interviews always have some insights into how to better run your business or be more successful.

The Freelancer Show is in line with all the other great podcasts Chuck is producing. Ruby Rogues, JavaScript Jabber to name just a few. Chucks podcasts always have a panel of about four people discussing certain topics. The panel is loaded with awesome and talented people. Philip Morgan, Jonathan Stark and Reuven Learner. They all have different perspectives and focus and listening to them always gets me new ideas I want to try out.

Three Month Vacation from Sean D’Souza is one of the great content he is publishing on a regular basis. You should check out his books and courses as well. All worth the money. His podcast is in line with his books, and he asks rhetorical questions and answers them and tries to get you thinking. He always sums up his points at the end. It always gets me thinking again how I run my business and how I do certain things.

Other business Podcasts I listen to:

The Entreprogrammers podcast is worth the listen if you think you’re the only one struggling with your business. Everyone is. And listening to them how they get together and find solutions for the struggles is worth the almost two-hour long conversation. It always gets me thinking about the struggles I have and what I do to resolve them. It’s a recorded mastermind, and my master mind helps me talk about it as well.

Podcast App

I use Overcast to listen to these podcasts, and it is great. Won’t switch anytime soon. You can add lists for your podcasts and effects such as „Smart Speed“ and „Voice Boost.“ I always listen to at least 1.4x speed, and Smart Speed picks the right speed so that everyone has a similar tempo. And Voice Boost streamlines the volume of the voices. Just awesome.